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Steppe Gold’s sustainability vision is to create long-lasting value for all our stakeholders. Mining operation at ATO conforms to the highest standards of environmental management, occupational health and safety and social responsibility.

Health and Safety

The company aims to ensure a safe, healthy, and hygienic environment for its employees, contractors, and visitors on-site. The company’s approach to health and safety is guided by its vision: “Safety is the measure of success.” Steppe Gold ensures health and safety excellence through a strong health and safety-based culture at every level of the company and by driving continual improvement in safety performance.


Responsible environmental management is core to our sustainability. Steppe Gold recognizes the potential impacts of mining on water, land, and ecosystem and pays special attention to minimize our environmental footprint.

As the company believes that proactive environmental management helps us to maintain environmental compliance and prevent environmental incidents, we have successfully implemented an environmental management system that complies with ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management standard.

Community & People

Community relations are at the core of our operating culture. We focus on sustainable community development, supporting local livelihoods and growth. We prioritize investments in education, training and employment for local residents while also contributing to the creation and support of local businesses.


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